Thursday, August 6, 2009

Show: Scarlett and Her Seductive Ladies of Magic - My Review

  • Offered by HouseSeats
  • Rivera Hotel 10:00 PM
  • Cost $0.00

Review of 08/06/09 performance:

Scarlett and her entourage of assistants attempt to wow you with feats of magic with "Abra - ca - sexy".

My thoughts about the show are as follows.

Sexy: I have always had eyes for red-heads… and Scarlett is an amazingly beautiful woman in my humble opinion. Her female dancers, all two of them who are topless for about 40% of their time on the stage, are pretty, but pale to Scarlett. Unfortunately Scarlett does not reveal any endowments during her performance. For the sexy part; Scarlett in a two piece red string bikini soaking wet is HOT!

Magic: The show is unremarkable. Half of the “magic” tricks are cliche and amateurish. I was not impressed with any of the performance. Granted, I was sitting in the third row center and could see everything, but when you can see the mirrors, see the strings and see the obvious failings of the show, you know there is a problem.
· Male assistant climbs into an elevated box. The box is covered and in front with a cloth and he sticks his OBVIOUSLY FEMALE hand through the cloth to prove he is there???
· Scarlett magically leans her male assistant forward past his center of gravity… and he falls off the pegs holding his shoes to the floor. (yes, you can see the pegs)
· Scarlet’s assistant shows off a "powerful" industrial fan, spins the case around and reveals a view that shows off the 45 degree angle mirror. Then to demonstrate the fan’s strength, Scarlett puts a piece of newspaper through the fan that shreds it. First off, the fan is going way too slow to support the results, second you can see the pop effect as she shoots the newspaper confetti out of her hand.
· An animated handkerchief where you can see every string.

The one entertaining part of the show was Max Clever, the comic intermission. His animals were cute and his comedy was above par for the remainder of the show.

This show could easily be improved and become a good draw, but by what I saw, and the crowd’s unenthusiastic reaction, this show will probably have a short run and Scarlett will be once again back to entertaining children.

08/25/09: Even with my poor previous experience, I'm going back because I got another free show and I can't resist a beautiful redhead. I'll let ya know if things have gotten better. Let's hope.

OK, a here is how it went.

Prior to the show I happened to spy Scarlett being escorted off of the casino floor. OK, my jaw dropped and I spun to see more. If that was not obvious enough, the audible "Wow!" that came out of my mouth should have been.

There is a major pool tournament going on in the attached convention center so there is lots of activity. That should mean that the showroom will be packed. Wrong. The show must not be doing well... even with the major activity in the building, the front of showroom is less than filled. My ticket was for section B (the tables in the center section) but I am ushered to third row center. Don't get me wrong, I won't complain ever about an upgrade... but it doesn't bode well for the success of the show.

The show met my low expectations... (see above review as there have not been any significant improvements).

  • Decent acting, damn sexy Scarlett, 2 pretty topless assistants and poor magic. I'd complain more about what additional illusions were revealed, but I don't want to give away everything in the show.
  • Max Clever and his animals, the comedy intermission, got better reactions and crowd approval than the main show. Some quick whited stabs at the audience, three well trained animals and some well used jokes made for a great performance. Oh, and the performance included one of the best Elvis I've seen on stage.

I'm not saying that the show is not entertaining. Heck, the show does have a good pace and keeps you involved. What annoys me is that it could be so easily improved with some lighting changes (go sit in the audience and see what I mean) and a bit more practice. Give the audience some mystery, not the secrets.

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